
This post will be a small part of a larger system. The whole picture is that you could build a automatical PDE solver iterator constructor.

(Note: if I'd have enough time… )

Please note that what I'm talking is not a CAS or something like that, it may be only a simple attemp to mechanically mimic the procedure that human do before writing a iterator for PDE. If you are interest in CAS, here's a little intro presentation about CAS I have written for Mathematical Physics Method class 符号计算的一个介绍.

(Note: I donnot know if any possible route is here, but since Mathematica could do so, I think I could do so. )

Here is a brief introduction about it:

for an example equation:

\[(∂_x^2 + ∂_y^2) u = 0\]

(for which you may notice as a vacuum static electron field)

  1. make a solve space where \(u_{i,j}\) will stands for \(u(x_{i}, y_{j})\)
  2. trun \(∂_x^2 u\) into \(Δ u = u_{i+1,j} + u_{i-1,j} - 2 u_{i,j}\)
  3. simplify the equation to \(u_{i,j} = \frac{1}{4} (u_{i+1,j} + u_{i-1,j} + u_{i,j+1} + u_{i,j+1})\)
  4. iter on \(u_{i,j}\) for a solution

so what is the question?

  • the solve space may in arbitrary shape
  • the boundary condition, how to deal with it?
  • what about \((∂_x^2 + ∂_y^2) u = f(u, x, y)\)?
Why English? | 为啥用英文?

因为这个估计最后得写成一个英文报告 (如果成功了的话).

就可以向老师证明 我时间很多 我可以做到这件事情.

Just because I can.

\(∂ → Δ\)?

This is quite simple if you consider the Talyor expansion:

\[\left\{ ∑ \frac{h^i}{i!} f^{(i)}(x) = f(x + h_i) - f(x) \right\} = \boldsymbol{H} \{f^{(i)} (x)\} = \boldsymbol{F}\]

so the problem now is truned to solving a linear equation (find the inverse of \(\boldsymbol{H}\)).

a sad story: I though of it at class, implemented it and the result is perfect. However, as you may guess, such method had been already done at 1998 by Bengt Fornberg in the paper Calculation of Weights in Finite Difference Formulas.

My Common Lisp Implementation
(defun make-hs-matrix (hs)
  "Make H matrix for hs.
Return a n*n array (matrix).

  H { f^{(i)}(x) } = { f(x + h_i) - f(x) }
  (let ((n (length hs)))
    (flet ((hw (h)
             (loop for i below n
                   for hi = h then (* hi h)
                   for i! = 1 then (* i! i)
                   collect (float (/ hi i!)))))
      (make-array (list n n) :initial-contents (mapcar #'hw hs)))))

(defun make-fs-matrix (n)
  "Make a F matrix for `n' f(x + h_i).
Return a (n+1)*n matrix.

  F { f(x), f(x + h_i) } = { f(x + h_i) - f(x) }
  (let ((f-mat (make-array (list n (1+ n)) :initial-element 0)))
    (loop for j below n do
      (setf (aref f-mat j (1+ j)) 1     ; f_{i+1,j} = 1
            (aref f-mat j 0)      -1))  ; f_{0,j}   = -1

(defun make-finite-differentor-matrix (hs)
  "Make a matrix for finite differentor calculation.

  M = H^{-1} F; M { f(x), f(x + h_i) } = { f^{(i)}(x) }
  (let* ((n (length hs))
         (mat-h (make-hs-matrix hs))
         (mat-f (make-fs-matrix n)))
    (lla:mm (lla:invert mat-h) mat-f)))

and what's even worse, the result (inverse matrix) may be poor in precision.

But anyway, it's possible to do \(∂ → Δ\).

\(eq(u) = 0\)

So the next problem I encounter is to solve the equation. Simply, you could use Newton's method or secant method. Let's say that I use Newton's method:

\[x_{k+1} = x_k - \frac{f(x_k)}{f'(x_k)}\]

(defun newton-solve (f df x0 &optional (tol 1e-5))
  "Solving the function `f' == 0.
Given `df' as derivative of `f' and `x0' as initial point."
  (loop for x = x0 then (- x delta)
        for delta = (/ (funcall f x) (funcall df x))
        if (< (abs delta) tol)
          return x
        do (print x)))

Numerically df

It is so easy to generate a df with \(∂ → Δ\) process introduced before.

(defun make-finite-differentor (hs &optional (dx 1e-3) (d 1))
  "Make a finite differentor with `hs'. "
  (let ((rank (1- d)))
    (lambda (fn &optional (dx dx))
      (let* ((hs (mapcar (lambda (h) (* h dx)) hs))
             (mat (make-finite-differentor-matrix hs))
             (hs* (cons 0 hs)))
        (lambda (x)
          (flet ((f (h) (funcall fn (+ x h))))
            (aref (lla:mm mat (map 'vector #'f hs*)) rank)))))))

(defmacro finite-diff ((&rest hs) &key (dx 1e-3) (d 1))
  "Wrapper for `make-finite-differentor'. "
  `(make-finite-differentor (list ,@hs) ,dx ,d))

But what about Symbolics df?

Yes, that's the main object of this blog post.

Basic df rules

Consider the fundamental four operators:

\[C ⇒ 0\] \[f(x) ± g(x) ⇒ f'(x) ± g'(x)\] \[f(x) × g(x) ⇒ f'(x) × g(x) + f(x) × g'(x)\] \[f(x) / g(x) ⇒ (f'(x) × g(x) + f(x) × g'(x)) / g^2(x)\]

So the question will now be:

  1. match expression
    • if it is number?
      • it is a constant irrelevant with x? \(→ 0\)
      • it is x? \(→ 1\)
    • if it is function?
      • for \(+, -, ×, /\), using the basic map rule
      • for other function, using *df-rules*
  2. transform it according to the rule

More df rules

(defparameter *df-rules*
  '(((sin x)  . (cos x))
    ((cos x)  . (- (sin x)))
    ((sinh x) . (cosh x))
    ((cosh x) . (sinh x))
    ((log x)  . (/ 1 x))
    ((sqrt x) . (/ 1 (* 2 (sqrt x)))))
  "Simple df rules using relacing method. ")

Final df

(defun symbolic-replace (expr from to)
  "Replace symbolic in expression.

For example:

  (symbolic-replace '(cos x) 'x '(+ x 2))
  (symbolic-replace '(sin (+ x 2)) '(+ x 2) 'u)
  (subst to from expr :test #'equal))

(defun symbolic-df-expr (x)
  "Symbolic df for symbol `x'.
Return a lambda function take expression and return its derivative form. "
  (labels ((basic-rule (op args)
             (let ((arg-len (length args)))
               (case op
                 ((+ -) `(,op ,@(mapcar #'df args)))
                 (* (cond ((= arg-len 0) 0)
                          ((= arg-len 1) (df (first args)))
                          (t (let ((f (first args))
                                   (g `(* ,@(rest args))))
                               `(+ (* ,(df f) ,g) (* ,f ,(df g)))))))
                 (/ (cond ((= arg-len 1) (df `(/ 1 ,@args)))
                          (t (let ((f (first args))
                                   (g `(* ,@(rest args))))
                               `(/ (- (* ,(df f) ,g) (* ,f ,(df g)))
                                   (* ,g ,g)))))))))
           (df (expr)
             (if (atom expr)
                 (if (eq expr x) 1 0)
                 (let ((op  (car expr))
                       (arg (cdr expr)))
                   (case op
                     ((+ - * /) (basic-rule op arg))
                      (let ((a (first arg))
                            (n (second arg)))
                        `(* (expt ,a ,n)
                            (+ (/ (* ,n ,(df a)) ,a)
                               (* (log ,a) ,(df n))))))
                      (let ((rule (assoc op *df-rules* :key #'car)))
                        (cond (rule
                                 ,@(loop with (from-expr . to-expr) = rule
                                         for from-arg in (cdr from-expr)
                                         for to-arg in arg
                                         for d-to-arg = (df to-arg)
                                         collect `(* ,(symbolic-replace
                                                       to-expr from-arg to-arg)
                              (t (error "No rule for ~a. ~%Avalible: ~a"
                                        op *df-rules*))))))))))

Here the most difficult part is how to match for each part. Let's see some examples:

(funcall (symbolic-df-expr 't) '(+ (sinh (/ t (* g m))) (/ (* t t) 2)))
  (* (cosh (/ t (* g m)))
     (/ (- (* 1 (* (* g m))) (* t (+ (* 0 (* m)) (* g 0))))
        (* (* (* g m)) (* (* g m))))))
 (/ (- (* (+ (* 1 (* t)) (* t 1)) (* 2)) (* (* t t) 0)) (* (* 2) (* 2))))

It's quite massy… Need some simplification.

Simple Simplify

Still, the rule works like this: match with simplify rules, and replace with the simplify rules.

too long…
(defun all-that? (test list)
  (loop for elem in list
        if (not (funcall test elem))
          return nil
        finally (return t)))

(defun symbolic-simplify (expr)
  (flet ((not-zerop* (num) (and (numberp num) (not (zerop num))))
         (zerop* (num) (and (numberp num) (zerop num)))
         (not-num (num) (not (numberp num)))
         (not-onep* (num)  (and (numberp num) (not (= num 1))))
         (length= (list n) (= (length list) n)))
    (if (atom expr)
        (let ((op (car expr))
              (arg (mapcar #'symbolic-simplify (cdr expr))))
          (case op
            (+ (loop for a in arg
                     if (not-zerop* a)
                       collect a into num
                     if (not-num a)
                       collect a into exp
                     finally (return
                               (let ((num-val (reduce #'+ num)))
                                 (if (zerop num-val)
                                     (if (endp exp) 0
                                         (if (length= exp 1) (first exp) `(+ ,@exp)))
                                     (if (endp exp) num-val `(+ ,num-val ,@exp)))))))
            (* (loop for a in arg
                     if (not-onep* a)
                       collect a into num
                     if (zerop* a)
                       return 0
                     if (not-num a)
                       collect a into exp
                     finally (return
                               (let ((num-val (reduce #'* num)))
                                 (if (= num-val 1)
                                     (if (endp exp) 1
                                         (if (length= exp 1) (first exp) `(* ,@exp)))
                                     (if (endp exp) num-val `(+ ,num-val ,@exp)))))))
            ;; (- x)
            (:inverse (let ((a (first arg)))
                        (if (numberp a) (- a) `(- ,a))))
            ;; (/ x)
            (:reciprocal (let ((a (first arg)))
                           (if (numberp a) (/ a) `(/ ,a))))
            ;; (/ a b ...)
            (/ (let ((arg-len (length arg)))
                 (if (= arg-len 1) (symbolic-simplify `(:reciprocal ,@arg))
                     (let ((val  (first arg))
                           (rest (symbolic-simplify `(* ,@(rest arg)))))
                       (if (numberp val)
                           (cond ((numberp rest) (/ val rest))  ;; (/ num1 num2)
                                 ((and (listp rest)             ;; (/ num1 (* num2 . exp))
                                       (eq (first rest) '*)
                                       (numberp (second rest)))
                                  `(/ ,(/ val (second rest)) ,@(rest (rest rest))))
                                 ((= val 1) `(/ ,rest))         ;; (/ 1 exp)
                                 ((= val 0) 0)                  ;; (/ 0 exp)
                                 (t `(/ ,val ,rest)))           ;; (/ exp1 exp2)
                           (cond ((and (listp rest) (eq (first rest) '*)) ;; (/ exp (* num exp))
                                  `(/ ,val ,@(rest rest)))
                                 ((and (numberp rest) (= rest 1)) val)    ;; (/ exp1 1)
                                 (t `(/ ,val ,rest))))))))                ;; (/ exp1 exp2)
            ;; (- x y ...)
            (- (let ((arg-len (length arg)))
                 (if (= arg-len 1) (symbolic-simplify `(:inverse ,@arg))
                     (let ((val  (first arg))
                           (rest (symbolic-simplify `(+ ,@(rest arg)))))
                       (if (numberp val)
                           (cond ((numberp rest)
                                  (- val rest))
                                 ((and (listp rest)
                                       (eq (first rest) '+)
                                       (numberp (second rest)))
                                  `(- ,(- val (second rest)) ,@(rest (rest rest))))
                                 ((zerop val)
                                  `(- ,rest))
                                 (t `(- ,val ,rest)))
                           (cond ((and (listp rest) (eq (first rest) '+))
                                  `(- ,val ,@(rest rest)))
                                 ((zerop* rest) val)
                                 (t `(- ,val ,rest))))))))
            (otherwise `(,op ,@arg)))))))

Note: the simplify function is not good, since the rules are not so flexible, and could not produce perfect results.


 (funcall (symbolic-df-expr 't) '(+ (sinh (/ t (* g m))) (/ (* t t) 2))))
(+ (* (cosh (/ t g m)) (/ (* g m) (* g m) (* g m))) (/ (+ 2 (+ t t)) 4))

Much better…


(defun symbolic-df-and-newton-solve (eq-expr x x0 &optional (tol 1e-5))
  (let* ((eq-expr (symbolic-simplify eq-expr))
         (f       (eval `(lambda (,x) ,eq-expr)))
         (df      (eval `(lambda (,x)
                             (funcall (symbolic-df-expr x) eq-expr))))))
    (newton-solve f df x0 tol)))

kinda like this:

  1. Example 1
    ;; Example 01: x * x == 2 => 1.414
     '(- (* x x) 2)
     'x 2.0)
  2. Example 2

    \[\frac{m × \mathrm{log}(\mathrm{cosh}(\mathrm{sqrt}(\frac{g × k}{m}) × x))}{k} - 10\]

    (defun symbolic-replace* (pairs expr)
      (loop with res = expr
            for (from to) in pairs
            do (setf res (symbolic-replace res from to))
            finally (return res)))
    ;; Example 02: m * log(cosh(sqrt(g * k / m) * t)) / k
      '((m 1) (g 9.8) (k 0.1))
      '(- (/ (* m (log (cosh (* (sqrt (/ (* g k) m)) x)))) k) 10))
     'x 5)

    Note: using Mathematica got:

    NSolve[(m  Log[Cosh[Sqrt[g*k/m]*x]])/k == 10 /. {
      m -> 1,
      g -> 9.8,
      k -> 0.1
    }, x] (* { { x -> -1.67428, x -> 1.67428 } } *)

Some LaTeX export

Not the main object, folded
(defun expr->tex (expr)
  "Trun expression to LaTeX math. "
  (let ((*env* 'top))
    (declare (special *env*))
    (labels ((->tex (expr)
               (if (atom expr)
                   (format nil "~a" (or expr ""))
                   (let* ((op (car expr))                          
                          (args (let ((*env* op))
                                  (declare (special *env*))
                                  (mapcar #'->tex (rest expr))))
                          (args-len (length args)))
                     (case op
                       (- (cond ((= args-len 1)
                                 (if (eq *env* '*)
                                     (format nil "(-~a)" (first args))
                                     (format nil "-~a" (first args))))
                                ((eq *env* '*)
                                 (format nil "(~{~a~^ - ~})" args))
                                (t (format nil "~{~a~^ - ~}" args))))
                       (+ (cond ((= args-len 1)
                                 (format nil "~a" (first args)))
                                ((eq *env* '*)
                                 (format nil "(~{~a~^ + ~})" args))
                                 (format nil "~{~a~^ + ~}" args))))
                       (* (cond ((= args-len 1)
                                 (format nil "~a" (first args)))
                                 (format nil "~{~a~^ \\times ~}" args))))
                       (/ (cond ((= args-len 1)
                                 (format nil "\\frac{1}{~a}" (first args)))
                                 (format nil "\\frac{~a}{~a}"
                                         (first args)
                                         (->tex `(* ,@(rest args)))))))
                       (expr (format nil "~a^{~a}" (first args) (second args)))
                       (otherwise (format nil "\\mathrm{~a}(~{~a~^, ~})"
                                          op args)))))))
      (->tex expr))))

like this:

(format t "~a"
          (funcall (symbolic-df-expr 'x)
                   '(+ (sinh (/ x (* g m))) (/ (* x x) 2))))))

\[\mathrm{cosh}(\frac{x}{g × m}) × \frac{g × m}{g × m × g × m} + \frac{2 + x + x}{4}\]

kinda like this.


Does it really need to solve the equation for \(eq(u) = f(u, x, y)\)? Maybe not really? Maybe just use \(u^{\mathrm{new}} = f(u^{\mathrm{old}}, x, y)\) will be enough? I can't tell right now, need more experiments.

More thoughts:

  • use this as Lisp to LaTeX helper to write documentations…
  • how does Maxima do such things? (and Mathematica, Matlab? )
Some excuse | 一些万一我鸽了的借口

我鸽的次数还少么? (乐)

相信未来有时间的我吧, 写大作业去了.