
数电要画 ASM, 但是 Graphviz 的编写有点点麻烦, 于是选择尝试写一个没啥用的绘图程序.





最终的后端使用 Graphviz 来进行绘制, 这里定义一个简单的封装 (记作 eazy-graphviz, 参考 eazy-gnuplot).

具体代码就折叠掉了, 毕竟不是重点 (虽然花了很久来写就是了…)



使用 uiop:run-program 来实现对 graphviz 的程序 dot 的调用. (UIOP 文档: 13 UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM, Graphviz 的 Command Line 文档)

接下来进行一个绑定, 目标是基础功能, 而不是完全的命令行绑定:

(defun run-dot (input output &key (type :svg) &allow-other-keys)
  "Run dot program.

The `input' and `output' should follow `uiop:run-program' flavor.
The `type' could be `:svg', `:png', and so on, it would be overwritten
if the output is a path name indicating its file type."
  (let ((graph-type (format nil "-T~A" (if (or (pathnamep output)
                                               (stringp output))
                                           (pathname-type output)
    (uiop:run-program `("dot" ,graph-type)
                      :input input
                      :output (if (stringp output) (pathname output) output))))


因为如果要进行展开的话, 为了让代码更加简洁, 所以做一些帮助函数来简化代码. (虽然说不上能不能真的简化代码就是了). 因为这些函数部分是用于宏展开的, 所以需要在编译期进行执行.

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  ;; `plist-remove-key' is used to avoid naming conflicts in keys

  ;; `dot-args' is used to transform common lisp plist into dot args

  ;; `escape-dot-expr' is used to add the missing output dot stream
  ;; mainly for `with-dot' and `defdot' two macros.

具体的帮助函数这里暂时不展开, 在这里仅仅做其功能的简单描述:

  • (plist-remove-key plist &rest keys): 从 plist 中根据 keys 移除所有对应的键值对.
  • (dot-args args): 根据 args (plist) 生成一个 dot 中的 [key=value] 形式的参数
  • (escape-dot-expr stream expr): 如果 expr 是基本 dot 函数或者是 defdot 得到的函数, 那么向其第一个参数位置插入 stream.
(defun plist-remove-key (plist &rest keys)
  "Remove `keys' in `plist'."
  (loop for (k v) on plist by #'cddr
        if (not (member k keys))
          collect k and collect v))
(defun dot-args (args)
  "Generate graphviz arg brackets."
  (if (null args) "" (format nil " [~{~a=\"~a\"~^, ~}]" args)))

对于 dot-args 这个函数, 目前是强制把所有的参数都用字符串的形式进行输出. 实际上可能是有点问题的, 尽管目前还没有遇到, 但是应该对于不同的输入值类型, 进行一个处理才对… 之后再说.

(defparameter *dot-namespace* '()
  "All the dot methods name should be within `*dot-namespace*'.")

(defparameter *dot-alias*
  '((node . %dot-node)
    (arc  . %dot-arc)
    (set  . %dot-set)
    (subgraph . %dot-subgraph))
  "Alias of dot commands")

(defun ->dot-sym (symbol)
  "Make `symbol' under `eazy-graphviz' namespace."
  (intern (symbol-name symbol) :eazy-graphviz))

(defun escape-dot-expr (stream diredp expr)
  "The `expr' should be escaped if the method is within `*dot-namespace*'.

  For example:

    (method name &rest keys) --> (method stream name &rest keys)
  (if (listp expr)
      (let ((method (car expr))
            (args   (cdr expr)))
        (if (atom method)
            (if (assoc method *dot-namespace*)
                ;; Expand dot functions
                `(funcall (cdr (assoc ',method *dot-namespace*))
                          ,stream ,diredp ,@args)
                (if (assoc (->dot-sym method) *dot-alias*)
                    ;; Replace dot alias and expand the function
                    `(,(cdr (assoc (->dot-sym method) *dot-alias*))
                      ,stream ,diredp ,@args)
                    (cons method (mapcar (lambda (expr)
                                           (escape-dot-expr stream diredp expr))
            (cons (escape-dot-expr stream diredp method)
                  (mapcar (lambda (expr) (escape-dot-expr stream diredp expr))

这里的缺陷是可能需要把符号全部放到 *dot-namespace* 里面, 可能会有点点问题, 但是应该不会太多, 就先这么使用算了.


首先是一些最基本的绘图函数 (类似于 Lisp 的 7 个基本函数):

(defun %dot-node (stream diredp name &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
  "Make a node with `name'."
  (declare (ignore diredp))
  (format stream "~&\"~a\"~a;" name (dot-args args)))

(defun %dot-arc (stream diredp from to &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
  "Make a arc `from' and `to', digraph arc if `diredp' otherwise graph arc."
  (format stream "~&\"~a\" ~a \"~a\"~a;"
          from (if diredp "->" "--") to (dot-args args)))

(defun %dot-set (stream diredp slot &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
  "Set graphviz `slot' properties by `args'."
  (declare (ignore diredp))
  (format stream "~&~a~a;" slot (dot-args args)))

(defmacro %dot-subgraph (stream diredp (name &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
                         &body body)
  "Expand graphviz subgraph."
     (format ,stream "~&subgraph \"~a\" {" ,name)
     (format ,stream "~{~&~a=~a;~}" (list ,@args))
     (progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (expr) (escape-dot-expr stream diredp expr)) body))
     (format ,stream "~&}")))

认为这四个函数 (宏) 是标准不可重定义的函数. 在这四个函数的基础上, 对其的组合的函数就可以如下得到:


(defmacro defdot (dot-name lambda-list &body body)
  "Define a graphviz function."
  (with-gensyms (stream diredp)
    (let ((name dot-name))
      (if (assoc name *dot-alias*)
          ;; Avoid user to define function conflicts with `*dot-alias*'.
          `(warn (format nil "~a conflicts with *dot-alias*." ,name))
             ;; Warn user of redefining dot function
             ;; make sure user won't overwrite the preserved function
             ,(if (member name '(%dot-node %dot-arc %dot-subgraph %dot-set))
                  `(warn ,(format nil "~a is preserved" name))
                     (declare-dot-function ,name)
                     (setf (cdr (assoc ',name *dot-namespace*))
                           (lambda (,stream ,diredp ,@lambda-list)
                             (declare (ignorable ,stream ,diredp))
                             ,@ (mapcar (lambda (expr)
                                          (escape-dot-expr stream diredp expr))

即: 一个标准的 dot 函数应有如下约定: 第一个参数为 stream, 第二个参数为 diredp, 其他的参数为正常的参数, 可以被用来作为图形绘制的参数.


实际上在这里我实现了两个命名空间, 一个是 *dot-namespace*, 即 dot function 的命名空间; 另一个这是 *dot-alias*, 即别名空间. 前者用于函数的运行与展开, 后者用于函数名称的替换和展开.

其实真正重要的一个命名空间还是 *dot-namespace*, 但是这就有一个小小的问题, 那就是如果想要定义那些相互引用的函数的话, 那么可能就不是很容易实现, 一个简单的做法就是类似 C 语言的 function prototype, 提前进行一个函数声明.

接下来就是一些简单的 defdot 的帮助函数:

比如可以定义一个叫做 declare-dot-function 的宏来进行这个操作:

(defmacro declare-dot-function (&rest names)
  "Declare `names' are dot function."
     ,@ (mapcar (lambda (name)
                  (if (assoc name *dot-namespace*)
                      ;; warn user of redefining dot function
                      `(unless (null (cdr (assoc ',name *dot-namespace*)))
                         (warn ,(format nil "~a is already a dot function." name)))
                      `(push (cons ',name nil) *dot-namespace*)))

当然, 可能还会有一个大胆的想法就是删除某些/全部的 dot 函数:

(defun delete-dot-function (&rest names)
  "Delete `names' of dot function, if `names' is nil, delete all dot functions."
  (if (null names)
      (setf *dot-namespace* '())
      (delete-if (lambda (pair) (member (car pair) names)) *dot-namespace*)))
(defmacro test-dot-function ((&key (stream *standard-output*) (diredp t)
                             &body body)
  "Test dot function within `body', default output `stream' is `*standard-output*'."
  `(progn ,@ (mapcar (lambda (expr) (escape-dot-expr stream diredp expr)) body)))


(defmacro with-dot ((output &rest keys &key (diredp t) debug &allow-other-keys)
                    &body body)
  "Expand with `run-dot' to draw a graph.

To define a graph, the following command could be used:

  (set property &rest definations)
  (node name &rest definations)
  (arc from to &rest definations)
  (subgraph (name &rest definations)

For example:

  (with-dot (output-path :type :svg)
    (set node :shape :rect)
    (node :a :label \"start\"))
  (with-gensyms (stream in)
    `(let ((,stream (make-string-output-stream)))
       (format ,stream ,(if diredp "digraph {" "graph {"))
       (format ,stream "~&~{~a=~a;~}"
               ',(plist-remove-key keys :diredp :debug))
       (progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (expr)
                          (escape-dot-expr stream diredp expr))
       (format ,stream "~&}")
           (,in ,(if debug
                     `(print (get-output-stream-string ,stream) *error-output*)
                     `(get-output-stream-string ,stream)))
         (run-dot ,in ,output ,@keys)))))

注: 我对于现在这个实现结果并不是很满意, 因为实际上还是有很多的不足之处. 但是不论怎么说, 至少是能用的水平, 就先这样将就着用吧… 到时候整理一下, 之后作为一个单独的库来用估计也不是不行.


(with-dot (output :rankdir "LR" :diredp nil :debug t)
  (loop for i to 10
        do (node i :label (format nil "node ~a" i))
        if (< i 10)
          do (arc i (1+ i) :label (format nil "~a -> ~a" i (1+ i)))))




(defdot plain-arcs (&rest node-chain)
  "Make a plain chain."
  (loop for i below (1- (length node-chain)) do
    (arc (nth i node-chain) (nth (1+ i) node-chain))))

(with-dot (output :debug t)
  (plain-arcs :a :b :c))





首先是定义一个 package, 记作 prog-to-graph:

(defpackage prog-to-graph
  (:use :cl :eazy-graphviz)
  (:import-from :alexandria
  (:export :prog->graph)
  (:documentation "Make graph of a program."))

(in-package prog-to-graph)


绘制 ASM 的思路如下:

  1. 将程序包裹在 RESET -> 程序 -> RESET 这样的一个形式里面.
  2. 对于不同的程序 (AST), 主要分为顺序 draw-seq, 分支 draw-cond, 执行语句 draw-func; 临时环境 draw-env, 赋值 draw-assign 这几种类型:
    (declare-dot-function draw-assign draw-if draw-env draw-seq draw-code
  3. 约定: 绘制除了有意义的参数外, 为当前节点和下一个节点, 从前一节点到当前节点的边由函数调用者绘制, 从节点到下一个节点的边由被调用者绘制.

    (没准可以用宏来实现, 不过可能有点费脑, 还是算了)


  • (draw-assign key-value-plist assign out-node) 绘制成 key ← value 这样的形式:
    ;;; render into the following form:
    ;;;     (in-node)
    ;;;  .______|______(assign)
    ;;;  |  key ← value |
    ;;;  |  key ← value |
    ;;;  +------+-------+
    ;;;         |
    ;;;     (out-node)
    (defdot draw-assign (key-value-plist assign out-node)
      (node assign
            :label (format nil "~{~a ← ~a~^\\n~}" key-value-plist)
            :shape :rect)
      (arc assign out-node :label ""))
  • (draw-if condition true-branch false-branch in-node out-node) 绘制一个分支的形式:
    ;;; render into the following form:
    ;;;     (in-node)
    ;;;        |
    ;;;   < condition >
    ;;;     T/    \F     (if-node)
    ;;;  (true)  (false)
    ;;;      \    /
    ;;;    (out-node)
    (defdot draw-if (condition true false if-node out-node)
      (with-gensyms (t-node f-node)
        ;; TODO: in the future sould support more complex condition graph expand
        (node if-node :label (format nil "~a" condition) :shape :diamond)
        ;; arcs to branch
        (arc if-node t-node :label "T")
        (arc if-node f-node :label "F")
        ;; true / false prog
        (draw-seq (list true)  t-node out-node)
        (draw-seq (list false) f-node out-node)))
  • (draw-env key-value-alist body in-node out-node) 绘制成 subgraph 的形式:
    ;;; render into subgraph
    ;;;  draw-assign -> draw-seq
    (defdot draw-env (key-value-alist body env-node out-node)
      (with-gensyms (env-name body-in-node)
         (env-name :cluster :true :style :dashed)
         (draw-assign (loop for (key value) in key-value-alist
                            collect key collect value)
                      env-node body-in-node)
         ;; subenv prog
         (draw-seq body body-in-node out-node))))
  • (draw-seq program in-node out-node) 根据每个的内容不同进行绘制:
    (defdot draw-seq (program seq-node out-node)
      (if (null program)
            ;; in-node -- seq-node -- out-node
            ;;   [ ]   --     *    --   [ ]
            (node seq-node :label "" :shape :point)
            ;; finish arc
            (arc seq-node out-node :label ""))
          (let* ((code (car program))
                 (endp (= 1 (length program)))
                 (out  (if endp out-node (gensym "OUT"))))
            (if (atom code)
                (draw-assign (list "" code) seq-node out)
                ;; (method . args)
                (draw-code code seq-node out))
            (unless endp
              (draw-seq (cdr program) out out-node)))))
  • (draw-code code code-node out-node)
    (defdot draw-code (code code-node out-node)
      (case (car code)
        ;; (values ... ... ...)
         (draw-assign (list "" (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (cdr code))) code-node out-node))
        ;; (return-from name value)
        (return-from (draw-assign (cdr code) code-node out-node))
        ;; (setf/setq [key value])
        ((setf setq) (draw-assign (cdr code) code-node out-node))
        ;; (if condition true false)
        (if (draw-if (second code) (third code) (fourth code) code-node out-node))
        ;; (let [binding] body)
        ((let let*) (draw-env (second code) (cddr code) code-node out-node))
        ;; (progn body)
        (progn (draw-seq (cdr code) code-node out-node))
        ;; normal code
         (if (not (and (symbolp (car code)) (macro-function (car code))))
             (draw-normal-function code code-node out-node)))))

对于函数调用: (func arg1 arg2 arg3 ...), 假设计算顺序是从左到右约化求值 arg. 那么在表达式中理应对其进行一个表达. 所以这里需要进行一个顺序展开:

(defun static-args (code-form)
  "Return precalculated code and dummy static args in `code-form'."
  (loop for arg in (cdr code-form)
        for dummy = (if (and (listp arg) (not (null arg))) (gensym "ARG") arg)
        if (and (listp arg) (not (null arg)))
          collect (list dummy arg) into pre-code-pair
        collect dummy into dummy-args
        finally (return (values pre-code-pair dummy-args))))

;;; The normal function (func arg) shall be draw like
;;;         (in-node)  [dummy-arg <- pre-code]
;;;             |      /
;;;    +--------+---------+
;;;    | func(dummy-args) |
;;;    +--------+---------+
;;;             |
;;;         (out-node)
(defdot draw-normal-function (func-code func-node out-node)
  (multiple-value-bind (pre-code-pair dummy-args)
      (static-args func-code)
    (if (null pre-code-pair)
        (node func-node
              :label (format nil "~a(~{~a~^, ~})" (car func-code) dummy-args)
              :shape :rect)
         ((gensym "SUBGRAPH") :style :dashed :cluster :true)
         (node func-node
               :label (format nil "~a(~{~a~^, ~})" (car func-code) dummy-args)
               :shape :rect)
         (loop for (dummy code) in pre-code-pair
               for index below (length pre-code-pair)
               do (draw-code (cons (format nil "~a ← ~a" dummy (car code))
                                   (cdr code))
                             dummy func-node))))

    (arc func-node out-node :label "")))



(defmacro prog->graph ((output &key (type :svg) (debug nil)) &body body)
  "Trun a program into digraph and plot it out."
  (with-gensyms (reset in out seq-node)
    `(with-dot (,output :debug ,debug :type ,type :diredp t :splines :ortho
                        :nodesep 1.0 :fontname :Arial :forcelabels :true)
       (with-gensyms (,reset ,in ,out ,seq-node)
         (set :node :fontname :Arial :fontcolor :black)
         (set :edge :fontname :monospace :fontcolor :black)
         (node ,reset :label "RESET" :shape :plain)
         (node ,in  :label "" :shape :point)
         (node ,out :label "" :shape :point)
         (arc ,reset ,in :label "")
         (arc ,in ,seq-node :label "")
         (draw-seq ',body ,seq-node ,out)
         (arc ,out ,in :label "" :constraint :false)))))


这里的测试不一定完善, 可能还需要很多的异常处理, 不过至少 eazy-graphviz 完事了.


(prog->graph (output)
  (setf money 1)
  (if (> money 0.5) :fun :not-fun))



(prog->graph (output)
  (let ((graph-type (format nil "-T~A" (if (or (pathnamep output)
                                               (stringp output))
                                           (pathname-type output)
    (uiop:run-program (list "dot" graph-type)
                      :input input
                      :output (if (stringp output) (pathname output) output))))


有点点丑. 还是先去写作业先.

目前还是不能自举, 希望之后有时间可以把这个问题给解决.

(不过现在写程序速度稍微快一些了, 这两个部分分别各花了一天的忙里偷忙的时间)