
This as my first CLIM (via McCLIM) application. The logic of the application should be like my 2-D-Ising code, while the main object of the application should focus on CLIM.

This test code is inspired by Tixel Viewer, where animation part and other reference code are learnt from the blog post.


Note: This code should only focus on how to draw by CLIM, rather than how to write a good 2-D-Ising code.

Simple Ising Code

I think it should be folded
(defpackage 2-d-ising-clim
  (:use :clim-user :clim :cl))

(in-package 2-d-ising-clim)
(defclass ising-model ()
  ((row :initarg :row :reader row :initform 0)
   (col :initarg :col :reader col :initform 0)
   (spins :initarg :spins :accessor spins :initform #())
   (energy :initarg :energy :accessor energy :initform 0)
   (mag-m  :initarg :mag-m  :accessor mag-m  :initform 0)
   (mag-f  :initarg :mag-f  :accessor mag-f  :initform 0))
  (:documentation "2 dimension Ising model."))

(defmethod at ((ising ising-model) row col)
  (grid:aref (spins ising) (mod row (row ising)) (mod col (col ising))))

(defmethod near ((ising ising-model) row col)
  (list (at ising (1- row) col) (at ising (1+ row) col)
        (at ising row (1- col)) (at ising row (1+ col))))

(defmethod flip-spin ((ising ising-model) row col)
  (let ((i (mod row (row ising)))
        (j (mod col (col ising))))
    (setf (grid:aref (spins ising) i j) (- (grid:aref (spins ising) i j)))))

(defmethod update-energy ((ising ising-model))
  (let ((energy 0))
    (loop for row below (row ising) do
      (loop for col below (col ising) do
        (decf energy (+ (/ (* (at ising row col) (apply #'+ (near ising row col))) 4)
                        (* (at ising row col) (mag-f ising))))))
    (setf (energy ising) energy)))

(defmethod update-mag-m ((ising ising-model))
  (let ((mag-m 0))
    (loop for row below (row ising) do
      (loop for col below (col ising) do
        (incf mag-m (at ising row col))))
    (setf (mag-m ising) mag-m)))

(defmethod init-ising-spin-grid ((ising ising-model) &optional (init-state 1))
  (setf (spins ising)
        (make-array (list (row ising) (col ising))
                    :initial-element (if (eq init-state 'random) 1 init-state)))
  (when (eq init-state 'random)
    (loop for row below (row ising) do
      (loop for col below (col ising)
            if (< (random 1.0) 0.5)
              do (flip-spin ising row col)))))

(defun init-ising-model (row &key (col row) (mag-f 0) (init-state 1))
  (let ((ising (make-instance 'ising-model :mag-f mag-f :col col :row row)))
    (init-ising-spin-grid ising init-state)
    (update-mag-m  ising)
    (update-energy ising)

metropolis-step function as below:

(defmethod metropolis-step ((ising ising-model) kT)
  (loop for row below (row ising) do
    (loop for col below (col ising) do
      (let* ((dE (* 2 (at ising row col)
                    (+ (apply #'+ (near ising row col))
                       (mag-f ising))))
             (rand (random 1.0))
             (p (exp (- (/ dE kT)))))
        (when (or (< dE 0) (< rand p))
          (flip-spin ising row col)
          (incf (energy ising) dE)
          (decf (mag-m ising) (* 2 (at ising row col))))))))
(defparameter *ising* (init-ising-model 100 :init-state 'random)
  "The 2d ising model.")

Some Scaffoldings

(defmacro with-playground ((stream &key (width 600) (height 800)
                                     (scroll-bars nil))
                           &body body)
  "A playground environment to play CLIM test."
  (declare (symbol stream))
       (,stream nil nil :borders nil :width ,width :height ,height
                        :scroll-bars ,scroll-bars)
     (sleep .1)                         ; wait for window to create

(defmacro with-scene ((stream) &body body)
  (declare (symbol stream))
  (alexandria:with-gensyms (pixmap width height)
    `(let* ((,pixmap (with-output-to-pixmap (,stream ,stream)
            (,width (pixmap-width ,pixmap))
            (,height (pixmap-height ,pixmap)))
       (medium-copy-area ,pixmap 0 0 ,width ,height ,stream 0 0)
       (deallocate-pixmap ,pixmap)
       (finish-output ,stream))))

(defmacro with-animated ((stream &key (fps 1) (continuep t)) &body body)
  (declare (symbol stream))
  (alexandria:with-gensyms (err)
           (loop while (and (sheet-grafted-p ,stream) ,continuep)
                 do (with-scene (,stream) ,@body)
                 do (sleep (/ 1 ,fps)))
         (error (,err)
           (princ ,err *debug-io*)))
       (close ,stream))))

Barebone Animation

(defun draw (stream ising &key (thickness 5))
  (loop for row below (row ising) do
    (loop for col below (col ising)
          for x = (* row thickness)
          for y = (* col thickness)
          for color = (if (= 1 (at ising row col)) +black+ +white+)
          do (draw-point* stream x y
                          :ink color :line-thickness thickness))))

(defparameter *ising-fps* 24
  "FPS of draw ising model.")

(defparameter *kT* 3.0
  "The temperature of ising simulation.")

(defparameter *simulated* t
  "If continue simulation.")

(with-playground (stream)
  (with-animated (stream :fps *ising-fps* :continuep *simulated*)
    (draw stream *ising*)))

(loop while *simulated*
      do (metropolis-step *ising* *kT*))



对 CLIM 的感觉

就不知道大家有没有用过 Shoes (_why 写的一个 Ruby 的 GUI 库), 简单使用 CLIM 给我的感觉就是有点像. (虽然可能并不像, 因为我已经很久没用过了).

虽然一开始的学习资料确实少了一些, 并且 CLIM 的说明还很冗长, McCLIM 乍一看挺破旧的 (mac 上的 XQuartz 效果一般). 但是不论怎么说, 用上了之后就还挺香的, 之后再想办法试试看能不能进一步应用.

如果有时间的话, 我希望能够摸一个简单的入门教程来.