
感觉自己都没有怎么在写代码的时候使用过 AI, 还是有些落伍了 (bushi). 所以试试给自己做一个简单的 AI agent.


API 的部分折叠了, 毕竟大家可能不是很喜欢看


(ql:quickload '(:dexador :str :shasht :parse-float))


这里使用 DeepSeek 的 API:

(defparameter *host* "api.deepseek.com"
  "DeepSeek API host. ")

(defparameter *api-key* "sk-you-should-set-it-your-self"
  "DeepSeek API key. ")

(defparameter *temperature* 1.0
  "Default temperature. ")

(defparameter *model* "deepseek-chat"
  "Default LLM model")

一个 JSON object 的 API 的请求和接受处理可以如下抽象:

(defun query (method api content
                (headers *headers*)
                (api-key *api-key*)
                (host    *host*))
  "Query for `api' by `method'.
Return a JSON object as hash-table. "
   :stream (dex:request
            (format nil "https://~A/~A" host api)
            :method method
            :headers (cons (cons "Authorization"
                                 (format nil "Bearer ~A" api-key))
            :content (if (null content) "" (json content)))
   :null-value    :null
   :false-value   nil
   :true-value    t
   :array-format  :list
   :object-format :hash-table
   :eof-error     t))

这里不使用 shasht:write-json 来产生 JSON 输入, 而是通过 json 函数进行处理.

JSON 函数的定义
(defun json (obj)
  "Turn Lisp `obj' to JSON string. "
  (with-output-to-string (json)
    (labels ((write-json (obj)
               (if (atom obj)
                   (cond ((null obj)      (write-string "false" json))
                         ((eq obj t)      (write-string "true"  json))
                         ((eq obj :null)  (write-string "null"  json))
                         ((eq obj :true)  (write-string "true"  json))
                         ((eq obj :false) (write-string "false" json))
                         ((stringp obj)   (shasht:write-json-string obj json))
                         (T               (shasht:write-json        obj json)))
                   (cond ((and (evenp (length obj)) (keywordp (first obj)))
                          ;; plist as object
                          (write-char #\{ json)
                          (shasht:write-json-string (str:snake-case (pop obj)) json)
                          (write-char #\: json)
                          (write-json (pop obj))
                          (do-plist (key val obj)
                            (write-char #\, json)
                            (shasht:write-json-string (str:snake-case key) json)
                            (write-char #\: json)
                            (write-json val))
                          (write-char #\} json))
                          ;; normal list write as array
                          (write-char #\[ json)
                          (write-json (pop obj))
                          (dolist (elem obj)
                            (write-char #\, json)
                            (write-json elem))
                          (write-char #\] json))))))
      (write-json obj))))

其中的 do-plist 的宏定义类似于 dolist 宏:

(defmacro do-plist ((key val plist &optional result) &body body)
  "Like `dolist' but on plist. "
  (let ((val-rest (gensym "VAL-REST")))
    `(loop for (,key . ,val-rest) on ,plist by #'cddr
           if (endp ,val-rest)
             do (error (format nil "Not property list: ~A. " ,plist))
           do (let ((,val (first ,val-rest))) ,@body)
           ,@(when result `(finally (return ,result))))))

比如可以测试一下如何了解自己还剩下多少的 API 用量:

(let ((res (query :get "user/balance" nil)))
  (gethash* res "balance_infos" #'first "total_balance"))

(剩得不多了… )

其中的 GETHASH* 的函数定义
(defun gethash* (hash-table &rest keys)
  "Recursively get keys from `hash-table'.
Return `default' if not found. "
  (if (endp keys) hash-table
      (let* ((key  (first keys))
             (hash (if (functionp key)
                       (funcall key hash-table)
                       (gethash key hash-table))))
        (apply #'gethash* hash (rest keys)))))

于是可以定义一个简单的 wrapper:

(defmacro define-api (name (response method api &key required optional)
                      &body body)
  "Define LLMisp API function. "
  `(defun ,name (,@required &key ,@optional &allow-other-keys)
     ;; docstring
     ,@(when (stringp (first body))
         (list (pop body)))
     ;; check parameters before query
     ,@(when (and (listp (first body)) (eq (first (first body)) :check))
         (mapcar #'(lambda (test) `(assert ,test)) (rest (pop body))))
     (let ((,response
             (query ,method ,api
                    ;; generate the content plist
                    (list ,@(let ((param ()))
                              (dolist (var required (nreverse param))
                                (push (intern (symbol-name var) :keyword) param)
                                (push var param)))
                          ,@(let ((param ()))
                              (do-bind-list ((var) optional (nreverse param))
                                (push (intern (symbol-name var) :keyword) param)
                                (push var param)))))))
       ;; return `response' directly if not used in `body'
       ,@(if body body (list response)))))

DeepSeek API

以下是抄袭至 文档 的说明:

  • Get User Balance
    (define-api balance (res :get "user/balance")
      "Get user current balance.
    Return values are total balance and raw JSON obj hash-table. "
      (when (gethash "is_available" res)
        (values (parse-float:parse-float
                 (gethash* res "balance_infos" #'first "total_balance"))
  • Lists Models
    (define-api models (res :get "models")
      "Return a list of models name and raw JSON obj hash-table.
    Lists the currently available models, and provides basic
    information about each one such as the owner and availability.
    Check Models & Pricing for our currently supported models."
      (values (mapcar #'(lambda (model) (gethash "id" model))
                      (gethash "data" res))
  • Create Chat Completion
    (define-api chat-complete (res :post "chat/completions"
                                   :required (messages)
                                   :optional ((model             *model*)
                                              (frequency-penalty 0)
                                              (max-tokens        4096)
                                              (presence-penalty  0)
                                              (response-format   :null)
                                              (stop              :null)
                                              (stream            nil)
                                              (stream-options    :null)
                                              (temperature       *temperature*)
                                              (top-p             1.0)
                                              (tools             :null)
                                              (tool-choice       "none")
                                              (logprobs          nil)
                                              (top-logprobs      :null)))
      "Creates a model response for the given chat conversation.
    Return output message and raw JSON obj hash-table. "
       (or (eq frequency-penalty :null) (<= -2 frequency-penalty 2))
       (or (eq max-tokens        :null) (< 1 max-tokens 8192))
       (or (eq presence-penalty  :null) (<= -2 presence-penalty  2))
       (or (eq temperature       :null) (<= 0  temperature 2))
       (or (eq temperature       :null) (<= top-p 1)))
      (values (gethash* res "choices" #'first "message" "content")
  • FIM: Create FIM Completion
    (define-api fill-in-middle (res :post "beta/completions"
                                    :required (prompt)
                                    :optional ((model             *model*)
                                               (echo              nil)
                                               (frequency-penalty 0)
                                               (logprobs          0)
                                               (max-tokens        4096)
                                               (presence-penalty  0)
                                               (stop              :null)
                                               (stream            nil)
                                               (suffix            :null)
                                               (temperature       *temperature*)
                                               (top-p             1)))
      "The FIM (Fill-In-the-Middle) Completion API.
    Return values are message and raw JSON obj hash-table. "
       (or (eq frequency-penalty :null) (<= -2 frequency-penalty 2))
       (or (eq logprobs          :null) (<= logprobs 20))
       (or (eq presence-penalty  :null) (<= -2 presence-penalty  2))
       (or (eq temperature       :null) (<= temperature 2))
       (or (eq top-p             :null) (<= top-p 1)))
      (values (gethash* res "choices" #'first "text")

假如折叠隐藏前面的 Ladder 一节, 估计只看这部分的 define-api 会有一种: “啊? 这 Lisp 好简单哦” 的错觉吧. 虽然并不是想要强调 Lisp 其实很复杂 (复杂吗? 并没有吧… 毕竟实际的行数也不多).


之前的看了一个 Lisp 的书, 里面把代码放在 Github 上, 结果发现其实实现得也不咋的. 还不如我自己写的优雅容易拓展. (bushi)


(chat-complete '((:content "你是一只猫娘, 说话的句尾需要加上喵. "
                  :role    "system")
                 (:content "你好, 请问你是谁? "
                  :role    "user"))
               :temperature 1.3)
你好喵~我是一只可爱的猫娘喵!很高兴认识你喵~ (开心地摇晃着尾巴)


Mathematica-like DataBase query

在 Mathematica 里面有一些很有用的功能: Inline Free-form Input. 常见的一些使用方法是用来输入单位 (Quantity), 用来输入物理量的值之类的.


(ask-math "fourth prime number")


(defparameter *prompt-only-number*
  "Return only the finaly answer as number without any other text. ")

(注: prompt 来自 Using OpenAI from Allegro Common Lisp, 有少许修改. )

(defun ask-math (query &key (parse :read))
  "Ask with `query'.
Return results, raw string, raw JSON obj hash-table.

+ `parse':
  + `nil' for no parse, return raw string
  + `:int' for using `parse-integer'
  + `:float' for using `parse-float:parse-float'
  + `:read' for using `read-from-string'
  + `function' for using custom parsing function
  (multiple-value-bind (res raw)
      (chat-complete `((:content ,*prompt-only-number*
                        :role    "system")
                       (:content ,query
                        :role    "user"))
                     :temperature 0)
     (etypecase parse
       (null res)
       (function (funcall parse res))
       (keyword  (ecase parse
                   (:int   (parse-integer res :junk-allowed t))
                   (:float (parse-float:parse-float res :junk-allowed t))
                   (:read  (read-from-string res)))))
     res raw)))

感觉可以做一些简单的 wrapper 并写一些更多的 prompt 来添加功能.

AI Macro Expanding

既然能够展开提问, 为什么不直接展开代码呢? 比如:

(defun-with-ai fibonacci (n)
  "Return `n'th `fibonacci' number. "
  :goal (:performance :readability :type-strict)
  :confirm t))

Generate by FIM

看到 API 文档里面有一个 FIM 的例子, 感觉也不是不能试试:

(lisp-fill-??? (defun fib (a) ??? (+ (fib (- a 1)) (fib (- a 2)))))
(defun fib (a)
  (if (< a 2)
      (+ (fib (- a 1)) (fib (- a 2)))))


(defun read-list-from-string (string &optional (max-retry 10))
  "Read list from `string', auto completing the `)' if eof. "
  (handler-case (read-from-string string)
    (end-of-file (err)
      (if (> max-retry 0)
          (read-list-from-string (str:concat string ")") (1- max-retry))
          (error err)))))

(defun ask-lisp-fim-expr (prefix suffix &key (max-tokens 128) (hints "") (echo t))
  "Using FIM to generate Lisp code. "
  (multiple-value-bind (res raw)
      (fill-in-middle (format nil
                              ";;; Common Lisp Code, output with no space indent
;; ~A
                              prefix hints)
                      :suffix     suffix
                      :max-tokens max-tokens)
    (let ((res (str:concat prefix res suffix)))
      (when echo (write-string res echo))
      (values (read-list-from-string res)
              res raw))))

(defmacro lisp-fill-??? (expr &key (max-tokens 128) (hints "") (echo nil))
  (destructuring-bind (prefix suffix)
      (str:split "???" (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
                         (format nil "~A" expr)))
    `(ask-lisp-fim-expr ,prefix ,suffix
                        :max-tokens ,max-tokens
                        :hints      ,hints
                        :echo       ,echo)))

现在只能生成代码, 那么能不能直接运行呢? 至少我是不太敢的, 我觉得估计需要做一个简单的确认工作和展开工作. 这个估计需要打通 Lisp 和 Emacs 之间的通信和编辑功能.

Generate by Prompt

(ask-lisp-expr "define function `fibonacci', return `n'th fibonacci number")
(defun fibonacci (n)
  (labels ((fib-aux (a b count)
             (if (zerop count)
                 (fib-aux (+ a b) a (1- count)))))
    (fib-aux 1 0 n)))


(defparameter *prompt-lisp-coder*
  "You are a common lisp code assitent. You should:
+ Return only common lisp s-expr without any other text.
+ Write code more lispy and functional
+ Not wrapp code in Markdown code block")

(defun ask-lisp-expr (query &key (goal '(:performance :readability :security)))
  "Ask for Lisp expression.
Return lisp expression, raw string, raw JSON hash-table. "
  (multiple-value-bind (res raw)
      (chat-complete `((:content ,*prompt-lisp-coder*
                        :role    "system")
                       (:content ,(format nil
                                          ";; Code Goal: ~{~A~^, ~}~%~A"
                                          goal query)
                        :role    "user"))
                     :temperature 0.2)
    (values (read-list-from-string
             (str:trim res :char-bag '(#\` #\Space #\Newline #\l #\i #\s #\p)))
            res raw)))

但是发现其实写的 Lisp 代码不是很好强, 比如很明显的就会有对于 (fibonacci n)n 小于零的时候存在无限递归的问题. 看来不能只靠它来生成代码并立刻执行. 应该是训练样本不足导致的.

不过另外的想法可能是用来生成文档, 测试用例估计会比较好. 另外一个想法就是如果在训练的时候用 S-expr 来做输出样本的训练, 类似于 DeepSeek 保证能够输出 JSON 格式的输出, 没准会更加好用. (假如我有能力微调训练 LLM 的话估计会好一些).

(defparameter *prompt-lisp-docstring*
  "You are a common lisp code assistent.
You should generate or refine the docstring with given lisp code.

Example 1:
(defun fibonacci (n)
  (declare (type unsigned-byte n))
  (if (< n 2) n (+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2)))))

Return `n'th fibonacci number.

+ `n': nth fibonacci number

Example 2:
(defmacro do-bind-list ((var list &optional result) &body body)
  `(dolist (vars ,list ,result) (destructuring-bind ,var vars ,@body)))

Iter over `list' and binds `var' list on each element of `list'.
Return `result' if given, or `nil'.


   (do-bind-list (([var]*) list [res]?) . body)


    (do-bind-list ((a b) list) (do-something-with a b))

(defmacro refine-docstring (expr)
  "Refine docstring. "
  (if (and (listp expr)
           (or (eq (first expr) 'defun)
               (eq (first expr) 'defmacro)))
      (destructuring-bind (def name lambda-list docstring . body) expr
        `(,def ,name ,lambda-list
           ,(str:trim (chat-complete `((:content ,*prompt-lisp-docstring*
                                        :role "system")
                                       (:content ,(format nil "~A" expr)
                                        :role "user"))
                                     :temperature 0.2)
                      :char-bag '(#\` #\Space #\Newline))
           ,@(unless (stringp docstring) (list docstring))


(macroexpand-1 '(refine-docstring
                 (defun 2- (n) (- n 2))))
(defun 2- (n)
  "Subtract 2 from `n'.

+ `n': A number to subtract 2 from

- The result of `n - 2'"
  (- n 2))

这样生成 docstring 的方式如何? 轻松多了吧.


感觉可以把类似的做法拓展到各种地方. 比如 Mathematica 的代码生成之类的, 之后感觉可以修正一些或者做一些更多的适配.

本文中的所有代码可以从 api.lisp 以及 try.lisp 获取.