
I was recently consider using Symbolics Open Genera as my second programming environment.


  • nice developing experience
  • can learn a lot from its design for building my future projects


  • missing some useful packages (for example, CL-PPCRE for regexp, QuickLisp for package managing, …)
  • toooooooooo much documentation (manual) to read (good, yet a little difficult to read them all)
  • some protocol is bit old and not function well (NFSv2 and NFSv3, which made me headache for days)

But any way, I thought it was generally a charming experience. Right now, I've made OpenGenera running successfully within the QEMU and Docker (little faulty due to NFSv2/3, documentation reading is not avaliable… ).

The future route will be like:

  1. porting some existing Common Lisp library (SCIGRAPH and CL-PPCRE in this post) as Genera System
  2. build a RPC interface for distribute computation to host machine for heavy computations (or I think I'll just copy the code from Genera to SBCL and they could run nicely)
  3. some reverse engineering on vbin? (possibly, I am not sure if I'd be able to do so)
  4. … (if I'd be free)

So here is how I port SCIGRAPH and CL-PPCRE:


Since it's designed with support for Genera, the portation is easy. So the process looks like this:

  1. add scigraph.system under sys.cst/site, with things like:
    ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: USER; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
    (sct:set-system-source-file :scigraph "SYS:SCIGRAPH;SYSDCL")

    this will tell Genera where to look for system definition file. In this case, the file should be sys.sct/scigraph/sysdcl.lisp

  2. set the load package method at sys.sct/scigraph/sysdcl.lisp

    maybe you could refer to sys.sct/concordia/concordia.lisp for how to write defsystem to specify the system compoents.

    ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: USER; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
    (in-package :user)
    ;;; ...
    (defsystem scigraph
    	   (:pretty-name         "Scigraph"
    	    :default-pathname    "SYS:SCIGRAPH;"
    	    :source-category     :basic
    	    :distribute-sources  T
    	    :distribute-binaries NIL)
      (:module components (scigraph-dwim scigraph-core)
    	   (:type :system))
      (:serial components))
    (defsubsystem scigraph-dwim
    	      (:pretty-name         "SciGraph DWIM"
    	       :default-pathname    "SYS:SCIGRAPH;DWIM;"
    	       :source-category     :basic
    	       :distribute-sources  T
    	       :distribute-binaries NIL)
        ;; ... load from load-dwim.lisp ...
    ;;; ...

    the original system loading process is defined in load-dwim.lisp and load-scigraph.lisp.

    In short: to port a system to Genera, just rewrite the original load-*.lisp to sysdcl.lisp to define a system in Genera.

  3. to load Scigraph, should Load System CLIM, Load System Genera-CLIM, Load System Postscript-CLIM, Load System CLX-CLIM before Load System Scigraph.
  4. test with (graph:make-demo-frame) to see if loaded properly


Note: mostly working, but seemed to be a little buggy?

Note: after I've done this, I found something like dwim-system.lisp and scigraph-system.lisp, I think which could be used as the porper loader of sysdcl.lisp instead. for example, maybe I could write scigraph.system like:

(sct:set-system-source-file :scigraph "SYS:SCIGRAPH;DWIM;DWIM-SYSTEM")
(sct:set-system-source-file :scigraph "SYS:SCIGRAPH;SCIGRAPH;SCIGRAPH-SYSTEM")

But anyway, it works and I don't see urgency to use it…


Since OpenGenera doesn't support and has some feature missing? for example:

  • (declare (fixnum ...)) will not be treated like (declare (type fixnum ...))
  • (lambda ...) will not be treated like #'(lambda ...) (in SBCL)
  • (coerce ... 'simple-string) will not work properly, so I changed them as (coerce ... 'string) to make it compile pass…

    not sure how this will affect the performance… and not sure if need to change more…

I think I have to change these codes to make it work on OpenGenera. Meanwhile, I thought it would be difficult to keep consistency with current CL-PPCRE version. (maybe you could call it in Chinese “魔改”).

Just test with Advent Of Code 2024 Day 3's problem:

;; -*- Package: CL-PPCRE -*-

(let ((input "xmul(2,4)%&mul[3,7]!@^do_not_mul(5,5)+mul(32,64]then(mul(11,8)mul(8,5))")
      (sum   0))
  (do-matches-as-strings (m "mul\\((\\d{1,3}),(\\d{1,3})\\)" input)
    (let ((mul 1))
      (do-matches-as-strings (d "\\d+" m) (setf mul (* mul (parse-integer d))))
      (incf sum mul)))
  sum) ; => 161


So, this two patches has now been ported into Symbolics OpenGenera (#05e6f03 and #66dc2c3). Though its shame to declaim, but I could tell there must be some hidden bugs since I'm still not a mature Lisp Programmer. Contributions and helps are welcomed.

So, what to do next?

  • port or make some simple HTTP downloader package (maybe dexador or something else), but this would be sure more difficult though
  • do some simple programming on CLIM (I was always curious about it, but the McCLIM often fail to boot on my macOS)
  • try to fix Document Examiner and NFSv3 (no clue)
  • RPC to host PC for heavy computation (maybe should base on TCP/IP)