
算是之前Untitled(1) 的接续吧. 原因是因为我做到了汇编的题, 然后对stack的了解实在是不深, 导致之前的参数几乎都是靠蒙和猜得到的, 就是不知道参数和 [ebp+x]的对应关系, 导致了现在卡住了, 前进不了就要学习.

唯一的问题是, 网上的相关的信息是在是太少了, 虽然有些人也有做笔记, 但是他们的笔记我看不懂(QAQ, 不是说别人不好, 只是因为我太菜了. )


(虽然我也很想要系统地学习, 但是我毕竟只是一个在CTF骗钱的烂人, 所以暂时还是学一点做一点吧. 假如手头闲下来的话, 我想读编码. )

The Stack Overview

In computer architecture, the stack is a hardware manifestation of the stack data structure (a Last In, First Out queue).

In x86, the stack is simply an area in RAM that was chosen to be the stack - there is no special hardware to store stack contents. The esp/rsp register holds the address in memory where the bottom of the stack resides. When something is pushed to the stack, esp decrements by 4 (or 8 on 64-bit x86), and the value that was pushed is stored at that location in memory. Likewise, when a pop instruction is executed, the value at esp is retrieved (i.e. esp is dereferenced), and esp is then incremented by 4 (or 8).

Conventionally, ebp/rbp contains the address of the top of the current stack frame, and so sometimes local variables are referenced as an offset relative to ebp rather than an offset to esp. A stack frame is essentially just the space used on the stack by a given function.

from CTF101

stack 是一个后进先出(LIFO)的队列. 在x86机器中, stack只是RAM中的一部分, 不是物理意义上的单独一块.

esp/rsp指向stack的底部, 当push a的时候, 先esp -= 4, (如果是64位机器, esp -= 8), 然后把a放到esp的地址里.

同样的在pop a时, 先esp += 4, (如果是64位机器, esp += 8) 然后再把a放到esp的地址里.


|==PARA  2==| : higher memory address
|==SYSTEM===| : [ebp] + 12
|==PARA  1==| : [ebp] + 8
|=RET  ADDR=| : [ebp] + 4
|=SAVED EBP=| : ebp
|=LOCAL  V1=|
|=LOCAL  V2=|
|STACKBUTTOM| : esp--the buttom of the stack contents
|==UNUSED===| : 
|===TEXT====| : lower memory address


简单的一点点归纳, 可能很混乱

在我们做push ..这个动作的时候, 相当于是把数据放到栈里面. 举个例子:

push 0xd73346ed

; stack: (in bite)
; +0x8 +0x9 +0xA +0xB 
; +----+----+----+----+
; | ed | 46 | 33 | d7 |
; +----+----+----+----+

这样的话当我们用BYTE PTR [ebp+0xa]的时候, 里面的值就是0x33.


我懂了. 原来我掌握的还不错. 之所以会卡住的原因竟然简单得令人窒息. 咳, 原来是因为Ruby里面在处理二进制的时候会自动把前面的0给扔了. 导致了我把少了一个0, 然后就错了.

好的, 以后记住了.