Fibonacci Computer : Ruby


MOV [source], [destination] # mov source to destination
ADD [source], [destination] # add source to destination
SUB [source], [destination] # sub destination by source
MUL [source], [destination] # multiply destination with source
DIV [source], [destination] # divide destination by source, note that if you divide by zero, the result would be zero.
INC [destination] # increase by one
DEC [destination] # decrease by one
CMP [a], [b] # b - a -> FLAG
J [tag] # jl if FLAG < 0, je if =
PUSH [value] # push value to stack
HALT # do nothing
This project was originally from my computer class, which is called Fibonacci Computer. However, in the class, the teacher only told us that we, human should perform the assemble-like code, which I thought was terrible.
Therefore, I made this toy machine to help me with those codes. And because the original one does not support many features a real computer would have, so I made a few changes on it.
If you want to use the original version, please see my old one.
And I'm working on a compiler for it.
Author: 凉凉